So, recently I bought an efficiency 5, unbreaking 3 axe for pumpkin farming at 15k. Soon after the purchase I bought perms to multiple farms and then realized after the fact, that for the prices of perms, its quite useless. I feel as if the sell price on pumpkins should be increased. I have good reason to also! Let's do some math: Efficiency 5 Unbreaking 3 Silk Touch 1 Sword: 1000 nether stars/300k Efficiency 5 Unbreaking 3 Axe: 1000 nether stars/300k Now let's look at the money you could possibly make off of both with the same sized farm. Pumpkin Farm = 200x200x1 Melon Farm = 200x200x1 If you were to farm for 1 hour you may get approximately 10,000 pumpkins at 0.60$ each. Now if you farm melons using the sword for 1 hour and you get about 3,500 melon blocks at $2 each. (this is an estimate) The price being sold for is: Melon - $7,000 eco dollars. (Its more than this) Pumpkin - $6,000 eco dollars (more than this) Now if you are earning $$$ at the same rate 6-7k/hour than there is an issue with buying the pumpkin axe. You farm resources much quicker meaning that the farm will empty out much much faster. This means that you cannot farm for long periods of time, and that pumpkin farm perms are useless. You may be able to farm melons for 8 hours but only farm pumpkins for 1, and they grow back at approximately the same rate. Pumpkin axe is quite useless as an investment at this point. I thoroughly believe that the price on pumpkins should be increased, or the cost of the axe be lowed drastically. I think pumpkins should sell for $1-$1.20 each or the price of the axe be dropped to about 250 nether stars. Thank you for your consideration!
Just enchant a axe. I got my pumpkin axe for less than 15k... They should make it like eff7 or something to make it worth it.
So really the sword is a lot more rare therefore the price on the axe should be dropped a LOT from 1k nether stars.
If you don't want the axe don't buy it. No need to lower the price. This is like trying to get a TV channel canceled that you find offensive, you could just not watch it.
No, he's right. the pick, axe and shovel are a joke at 1k nether stars. But, the OP shouldn't be comparing an axe and a sword like they are equal. The axe is 1/50 of the cost of a sword.