Minecraft Name: Subspec Suggestion: An addition to the /sell command. '/sell chest' For convenience purposes, one could simply type in '/sell chest' and be prompted to punch a chest. (similar to protection). Upon the punching of player selected chest, all inventory within the selected chest will be sold to the server, in the same fashion as/sell hand. Reason: Convenience really. Having to move all items from a chest into our inventory, and then /sell hand for each individual item type... well, yeah... Those in favor of the /sell chest command, say Aye!
Just load up your inventory and /sell all. Be sure to keep items you wish to keep in a chest or enderchest, so you don't accidentally sell them.
Why are you storing them in a chest if you plan to /sell them later? Also, it doesn't take long to move the stuff you want to sell to your inventory and then use /sell all as has been mentioned. Sent from my LG-VM701 using Tapatalk 2
+1 I like it. I especially like it now my computer lags so instead of lagging and refilling my inventory over and over again I can just punch the chest and sell it there lol.
He's saying that if you type /sell chest and you have a chest in your inventory, it will sell the chest. I also see a problem with this. If /sell chest is coded just to sell contents in the chest, then you could go up to someone else's chest and simply do /sell chest and punch. Somehow it would have to be coded with lwc in order for it to work.