Minecraft Name: 12345shane Suggestion: /transaction send (item/pay) (username) (receive) Reason: My suggestion is a transaction command that could stop scamming. I am suggesting that you do /transaction send (item/pay) to the (username) and what you would receive (receive) Ex: /transaction send 10000$ 12345shane eff5unb3silk1diamond axe and you would offer $10000 for an eff5unb3silk1 diamond axe. The server message would be: 12345shane has offered you $10000 for your "eff5unb3silk1diamondaxe" Do you wish to accept? (/accept or /decline) and if you have an item like that, it would send it and you would receive $10000 for it. This is only a suggestion, you could configure it however you want if it was accepted, I just have been seeing a bunch of scams lately and a command like this could fix it. I don't know if something like this has been suggested before, I'm pretty sure it has and not been accepted, but with all the scams and melon swords and everything nowadays, it doesn't hurt to be extra safe. And this would make a trade safer as you wouldnt be putting an item on the ground where no one could take it. AND it could be configured for exp (no idea if it could I just think it could). Leave your comments below. Thanks! Any Other Information: PLEASE no -1 or +1, I really don't like that.
-1 It is up to the users to take screenshots, aswell as make safe trades. Adding more and more commands for things like this is unnecessary, and in my opinion just a waste of our servers memory.
I'm sorry but I don't think this is a good idea. It can be buggy and will cause more lag, Also if some glitch happens and someone looses a valuable item, they Will get mad. And there's no need since you're supposed to take screenshot when doing a deal with someone and Just find a good place to give items. -1
*Ahem* As stated in the suggestion please no -1 or +1, thank you. Also this would stop loss of items etc because even if you report scamming you lose the item so this would stop that. I understand it takes up memory and have no idea how it would be coded, but I just want a way that is completely loss/scam free.