This suggestion arises from my own guilty pleasures. I love to read the Complaints/Ban Appeals forum and watch the dramas and flaming unfold. At times though, I have been tempted to reply simply because it seems to me the problem that the complaint has arisen from a basic misunderstanding of English. Not that I am suggesting giving anyone who's first language is not English a "Get Out of Jail Free" pass, just simply making the observation. People who play on ECC are from all around the world, so I was wondering if it would be possible to include the ECC Rules in other languages. I know the Mods are busy, and for the VAST majority of the time handle issues in a timely, expert, and non biased manner, and I have no wish to add to their burden, but this may make it easier for the players to understand and less likely for a breach to occur simply because of a misunderstanding. I personally can offer to do you a set of rules in "Aussie" lol. Perhaps the easiest way would be to conduct a poll on the forums to ascertain what are the major OTHER languages that people speak, and focus on the most common to start with? Oh, and my apologies if this has already been suggested and rejected.
I personally don't think this is necessary or warranted. Two reasons why: ECC is an English Server. We don't allow other languages in global chats, so to have rules in other languages would be superfluous. Only a handful of the most senior staff write the rules. The chances are that they don't have the necessary level of other languages to be able to write 'good rules'. Rules need to be watertight, and so written by someone who is completely fluent. For example, Kuke would be able to write a set of Dutch rules. I have a fairly good understanding of French, but wouldn't be comfortable writing rules in French that were sufficiently detailed/watertight to get across exactly the same points as other languages. Bearing in mind my first point, is it really worth seeking out players who could translate the rules? And even if we do, how are these checked/verified by the necessary high-ranking staff members?
I agree with Dewsy. We generally don't allow languages other than English in our public channels and we offer almost no support for other languages elsewhere on the server. The rules are a very lengthy and extremely detailed document that I don't think many of the senior staff members would feel comfortable translating to any other language. I'm sure we would love to support other languages here, but it's just not feasible with the resources we have available.
I see where you're going with this, but I have to vote against it. I truly enjoy the idea but, the problem is that I am fluent in English, and semi-fluent in spanish. Most people here and around the world are really only fluent in 1-2 languages, the staff team may have difficulty with some languages, and online translators aren't always reliable, so, it may give you something totally different then that user intended.
some people are able to speak English but not read it so this might me helpful. I like this idea so a +1 for you!