Thread Title: A suggestion for the x-ray rule that would give people a second chance. Minecraft Name: andrewlstephan Suggestion/Reason: Lately, a lot of people have been getting banned for using x-ray mod. Some of these people really do use it, and they admit to it. However, I see many innocent people getting banned for supposedly using x-ray mod, but really, some mean player just says that they do to get them banned, or they are digging straight down to search for a cave/make a ladder shaft. When innocent people are banned, that makes me mad, and it makes EcoCityCraft look like a server that doesn't give all players a fair chance. I feel so bad for these people who enjoy the server a ton, and they suddenly they get banned for "using x-ray". This is very wrong and cruel. I think that if you are caught x-raying (really doing it, or unjustly blamed), you should get a temporary ban for maybe a few days or a week. Whether they really used x-ray or not, that's impossible to prove, but it would teach people who are using it to stop, and those who aren't would still get a fair chance. Thank you for reading my suggestion, and I hope that you understand and see my point. If you have any questions, contact me through personal message! All players deserve a fair chance, even those who severely break the rules! Forgive and forget people!!! If anybody agrees with me, please post below! =)