Minecraft Name: Moquito35 Suggestion: Using command blocks and locked chests Reason: What this will do is it will get more people into mining if there was a "new" ore (pretty sure it was removed) It could also slightly raise the price of xp seeing as you need to enchant pickaxes for bigger rewards. Any Other Information: I do not know if having a redstone clock will cause great strains of lag, just post if it does and I will try to think of a way to fix it. The rubies also will give ECC a 'unique' ore. It could also be used as a third currency if the staffteam/developers like it, using the scoreboard setting. Link To This Plugin:Since it isn't neccessarily a plugin, I will post how to set this thing up. It is a pretty small device and I think that it works pretty well. Ok here are the materials. Spoiler This will pretty much flood your screen Spoiler 1.redstone torches: Needed for redstone clock 2.redstone comparators: Used for redstone clock and detecting output of command blocks. Note that the middle torch must be flicked on for redstone clock usage 3.redstone repeaters: used for clock and extending command block output strength 4.redstone: to be used as wire and crafting the above ingredient 5.Command Blocks: /give <playername> 137 gives the block used for the scoreboard setting, testing for rubies, and generally looking like you know redstone 6.Any blocks you want: To place stuff on, duh :3 7.Levers: For the toggleable redstone comparator clock. Ok, so first you want to make a toggleable redstone comparator redstone torch clock thing. Then you want to get a command block, place it down and enter this into the command block: /clear @a <ruby Id number>. Hook that to a comparator and hook the comparator to: /scoreboard players add <Scoreboard Name> 1. So now, that should work!
Probably not happening as ecc/andrew/skylexia aren't going to take time to do this and this doesn't generate with the world so... not gonna happen sorry
Spoiler Stop spoiling my spoiler, you spoiler. Seriously stop. STOP IT. STAWP! NAAAAO! THIS IS INVASION OF PROPERTY CUZ DIS IS MAH SPOILER!
commandblocks are for mapmakers, they're most certainly not meant for multiplayer servers. This is a huge security risk, as well as it being incredibly laggy and buggy at best.