Alright so with the new removemember|removeowner commands I could see a bit of trouble, at least from the removeowner side of things. I think this because /Rg removeowner (Townname) -a would remove all users from owner, including yourself so below in my suggestion: Minecraft Name: pbrassat17 Suggestion: Removal of /rg removeowner -a, or editting it so that it only removes all owners other than the one issuing the command. Reason: I feel that we should edit this because with the addition of the command when you issue it all owners of a town are removed, including yourself. This could provide issues, and having to request your town back from Andrewkm/Wewinagain, when users should only add owners to a town if they feel necessary, and most likely will not have a huge amount of owners. Any Other Information: I think it should either be removed from all users, or made so it removes all but the user issuing command. Link To This Plugin: Already currently have it, the plugins name is WorldGuard. P.S If we want it to be altered we would first need a suggestion to worldguard as I do not think it can be changed in any configs at this time.
There is currently no exceptions able to be added for this. As well "Warning: this will remove your name as well." as for the time being use the command with extreme caution.
Wait, so why would you want to use this. If it removes your name too, then what's the point? Is this just for towns with dozens of members? (not owners)
Who thought of the idea of doing that in the first place? And if there are no owners of a town, what happens to the town?