Minecraft Name: SonnyCPretzel Suggestion: Repair signs Reason: There are already healing signs. Some people who have bought repair can make repair signs so make money while they are off Any Other Information: The plugin says it all... i do not like how the plugin requires a chest maybe something can be modified but what the plugin's general idea is what i am going for Link To This Plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/smithchest/files/
I support this. I give out free repairs in my town and it would be nice to just have a sign that people can go to rather then just getting constant msges for repairs.
Are you talking about being able to place these only in towns, or anywhere? If you would be able to place these signs anywhere, then this won't happen. I'd go into detail, but I'd rather not.
just an idea... and again i have no idea if this is even accurate... but if one of the things that could go wrong is clicking a sign and adding negative damage to a non-damageable object, instead have the sign set damage to 0
I'm on my phone right now so excuse me for mis spelling. Maybe we can we can pay 10K to have a repair center in our towns? We already can jave hospitals so why not have this as well?
I ment to say the repairs can be free and the people of the town could go there whenever they needed a repair.
Mhmmm... You guys are figuring it out. Yes, part of the reason this won't happen I'm sure is because it defeats the purpose of anyone donating for this feature. On top of that, it ruins people being able to sell repairs as there is a sign that sells for the same amount or cheaper that can be accessed at any time by simply using /home. You cannot sell health to players, but you can sell repairs. That was my point. You will no longer be able to sell repairs at all if it happened. However, selling health was never possible to begin with.
I will be selling Health, I will also be selling Repairs. While I like the idea I think the better idea is: [trade] $250 1 nrepair [trade] $950 1 erepair Command sent to the sever: /repair hand How will I sell instant health/food, Hospital [Heal] sign access of course. This is what I would call a "fun mod". Completely not needed, doesn't increase or decrease current prices, and can be added to either ext commands mega or ext creations plus. Thou rather I see this being used more as a donation feature coupled with a eccodollar requirement: Repair Shack Upgrade Hospital Shack Upgrade
What i was going for is an idea like anoks. i didnt care bout the plugin at all. the plugin expressed the general thought of how i thought of it to go. just like we can make our own trade signs for repairs. And the strongest argument to mwhat my idea is that part of the "want" for repairs is the hassel it is to find someone. So it might be convienent but too convienent... (sorry if som1 said that already i havent had the time to remember it all.
Maybe if the sign came as a Part of the + donation feature then it wouldseem fair. And yet another reason to donate.