Denied [Suggestion] Remove "Premium" Section/Make Public

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by TaylorBros22, Jul 27, 2016.

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  1. TaylorBros22

    TaylorBros22 ***Ex-EcoLegend***
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    Jun 11, 2013
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    Sorry for the long post.

    I was looking through the forums and I saw that we had a new section, the Premium Members Discussion section, which is only available for premium members. Looking at what it contains, it seems like the forums has become a "Pay to get information" place, where, to find out "inside" information and exciting announcements you have to pay $30.

    I know the server needs money to keep going and all that, but do we really want a section only people who have paid can see? Is this not a bit elitist? I don't want to have to pay $30 just to see some insider information and have a discussion about politics, this stuff should just be free. It seems that since the EULA enforcement a new way was needed to make some $$ and the best that could be thought of was a premium section of the forums- a way to see whats going on in the server which us ordinary members cannot see.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the whole point of the tougher EULA enforcement was to make servers fairer, with everyone having a more level playing field. By creating this premium section, it seems like a bit of a way around the EULA stuff. Instead of selling features to give a bonus to players, we'll give them some insider info to get their money? I highly doubt that andrew just wants players money (I hope he doesn't anyway!) but this seems like what this is.

    With the discussion of touchy subjects inc. politics, it seems that this is a case of "Pay to break the rules" sort of thing. "Normal" users aren't allowed to discuss touchy subjects, as per Section 4, Clause 3 of the Network Rules. So, if I pay $30 I can't bypass this rule and discuss them? It seems strange to me. I've seen andrew state on many occasions he will never sell the chance to get unbanned, and whilst this isn't as bad, people are paying money to break the rules.

    It seems to suggest that if people pay, they are more worthy of information about the server. As someone who has 4 [$], but only payed $20 from my own pocket, I feel like I'm not good enough for the information because I'm not willing to pay another $30 for it. It's basically pay for info, which I think is wrong.

    I'm 99% sure that this will be denied because I'll be told to stop complaining blah blah blah and just pay if you're so bothered, but it's worth thinking about because I think this is unfair- pay to see information which should really be available to all players.

    Thanks for reading.
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  2. MatthewStevenGo

    MatthewStevenGo Builder
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    Not a good idea since there will be premium features accessible to normal users as a downside for premium users and that exploiting the advantages of the "Premium" features to everyone.
  3. TaylorBros22

    TaylorBros22 ***Ex-EcoLegend***
    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 11, 2013
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    It's not exploiting the premium features, if anything it's a feature that really shouldn't be paid for. It's one thing from the premium user bundle, needs be, reduce the price.
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  4. ClarinetPhoenix

    ClarinetPhoenix She does what she wants.
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    Jun 23, 2014
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    People are not "paying to break the rules" when such a section is the only place those discussions are allowed. I can see "paying to break the rules" if forum premium members were allowed to have such discussions anywhere on the forum and no one else.
    I also kinda see it being like Party/PM in-game, its exclusive and private where rules can be relaxed unlike global where all rules still apply. Its a perk, not a way around the rules.
  5. andrewkm

    Founder Premium Upgrade

    Apr 5, 2011
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