Thread Title: A suggestion to make logging in pvp spawn an npc. Minecraft Name: a18greek18 Suggestion: Adding this plugin, so that pvp loggers take a risk to get killed while they are logged out after have been hit within the previous 10 seconds. Reason: First of all, I will admit, I have pvp logged in the past. Although, I have pvp logged, I think this would be a great addition to ECC because when players who are trying to kill someone, and they log, the player who is trying to kill them is disappointed and frustrated because they would've had the kill, but the players who was getting killed logged out and did not die. With this plugin, players who log out while in pvp and have not been hit within the last 10 seconds and log out will be fine, but players who have been hit within the last seconds will have an npc of them spawned, so they have a chance of dying. It is great that players who log out in pvp when they don't get hit will be fine, because there will be no negative attitude and/or disruption of server. However, if a player logs out and the npc dies, there will be slight commotion, because it was their faault for logging out in pvp. Other Information: Not at the moment. Link to this plugin:
I see where you are coming from, but since this is an economy server and some players fight in pvp to earn their money this would help them out.
I pvp logged a lot but now my Internet crashes every 10 mins I agree when in pvp a lot of people log would be great plug in
it would be a great idea but some people have bad internet like my bff so if she were to pvp and she was winning then her internet were to crash she would lose
This plugin is not compatible with worldguard so it would have to be in force everywhere which would mean people who fall in the void or lava cannot log out. Also, you could log out then when logged off someone could break the blocks beneath you and you couldn't prove it.