Minecraft Name:TheBigJ44 Suggestion: pet stores Reason:I think that we should put a pet store at spawn. we could have the mods run it by when you want to buy say a pig or a cow you will ask a mod and they will have you pay however much it is and then they will spawn that animal at your plot. Any Other Information: you should make it against the rules to steal horses and other animals Link To This Plugin:n/a
Won't happen. Same with horses. Mobs would overload the server, the coding for no breeding or killing would be mayhem, yadyadyada, too many problems with this.
Well the op was over complicated, why not have a shop with spawn eggs for the "pets". Then the mods have no work. Anyway, I think have pets is a cool idea however would cause lag and with such a big server and with some people with enough money to most likely buy many pets, the server would become very slow. And I think horses are good enough.