I'm suggesting in /p we have [PartyChat] in front of our names. This will reduce confusion or missing chat happen, and this has happened to me many times since it blends with residents. I'm also suggesting that we change the chat color for party chat. Even yellow or auction blue would be better since this would blend better than light green in my opinion. So basically this: [G] [Moderator][FalconPunch] falconaire: flappy flappy flappy [G] [Mayor][$] SirGoody131: ohai der everyone [PartyChat] 12345shane: Hi everyone! = Hi everyone! [PartyChat] caroleel: Hi shane = Hi shane [PartyChat] falconaire: shane why did you give me 60 ratings on the forums -.- = shane why did you give me 60 ratings on the forums -.- [G] [President][$$$$] dork1877: banana