Minecraft Name: Jamescool13. Suggestion: That the votifier plugin is updated, so that people can vote whilst offline, and receive their nstars when they next come online. Reason: This will make it much easier for people to vote, as they will be able to vote on days when they do not have time to log onto the server or are not allowed to log on. As a result of this it will also increase the number of votes that the server receives, helping ECC to gain reputation. Any Other Information: Please vote! Link To This Plugin:
+1 I support this. I've accidently lost nether stars in the past due to restarts occuring, or simply not logging in! Also, sometimes you may not be able to log in to Minecraft but want to do your daily votes.
+1 maybe there could be a command, such as /vote collect, or /vc that would give you the voted items.