Minecraft Name: Original_Jackson Suggestion: Don't allow builders to use the global chat Reason: Sorry to offend any builders but I can't remember the last time I actually talked to one in global. I am almost certain that most would agree builders usually curse/spam global and don't really have a purpose talking in it. Any Other Information: There are two ways I could see this going 1. Builders are completely restricted from global until resident, maybe they get a /ch b (builder) up to Andrew. 2. Builders MUST read the tutorial before entering global. Either one of these would help the builder situation and to my understanding this used to be the case some time ago. Personally if I were a builder I would want o be restricted from global, my lack of server knowledge might cause me to say something stupid and then have others cast a bad opinion on me. Link To This Plugin: N/A
+1, I think they should have time to know that they need to read the rules. You might say it is unfair for the builders but it is unfair for the other ranks to have all this rubbish in chat even though they follow the rules.
+1 in global, i always see builders using vulgar and inappropriate language, i have to play ninja every time it happens and my parents are right beside me. Also, maybe you could make a channel that's /ch bh, as in /ch builder-help, so other people can answer peoples questions.
one problem is that if there is no mod on (unlikely but happens a bit in the non-peak) how would they ask questions. Doing /pm does not always work as some people ignore there pms from builders but they cannot ask in ch g meaning they have to pm each person until someone is helpful enough to give time (=money) to help them
No no no, I completely disagree. Keeping builders out of global is a very bad idea. They are the core of the server. Making sure builders go through the tutorial would be hard to verify, ect. It's simply a bad idea. Builders learn everything they need to know through global. I'm not sure what I would have done without being able to ask questions in global. There's quite a few more reasons, but for now, I strongly disagree.
Also think about it, what would you do if you were a builder, and then became a resident. How would you talk to your builder friend? What if you had 3/4 builder friends? You couldn't invite them to a party. They can't get to global to chat to you. You can't pm four people at once. Ect, it doesn't work.
I say all ranks should get a global chat President get to chat with pres-builder Mayor mayor-builder ecoleader ecoleader-builder And builders get to chat in their chat with anyone who wants to be in that chat, and then there will be the universal resident+ global chat.
Builders already feel shunned enough as it is. The fact is, we were all builders and we all stayed around for a reason. One of those reasons may very well have been the feeling of community. By removing them from global you are literally saying "You aren't good enough to talk to us." To the new players. Those players are the future of ECC. They bring in new donation money, new ideas, new everything. If we removed them from global we would be hurting ECC. Revanrose6
I disagree completely, why should we shut builders off from a vital part of the server?, how do they communicate and make new friends, what if they ask a question in local far away from spawn?. Why should we treat them differently because they are new?. Sent from my One using Tapatalk 4
I don't support this. It's just builders really need help. Many of them don't know much about minecraft such as the /tell command or even how to go to channels, so global channel allows other users to help them out.
I understand your guys opinion but I can not see a single argument that would convince me against making builders go to the tutorial first.
Again, someone please tell me a reason why builders shouldn't atleast have to go through the tutorial first.
-1 Builders r the core of the server. They make up the majority of players. In order to ensure perpetual popularity for ECC, new players need to keep coming in. I was very bored by reading the tutorial and learned everything from the global chat. By refusing builders access to Global Chat, we are saying that they are not welcome. Quoting revanrose, "We were all builders once."
Please, before you make a comment READ THE POST, I said there are two options. Everyone is saying -1 but as I've asked before, give me one good reason to not have builders read the tutorial before entering global, and I will have a mod lock this thread right away!
Honestly, because most people will just quit before being force to read the tutorial. I think we should have them land there, but if we make it an option, not a requirement, they are far likely to be willing. Further, some people like to learn as they go and may just want to start. I think its highly unfair to kick them out of global.
That's not what I'm saying, if anything you just said what I was trying to say we make the builder spawn either in front of the tutorial or in it, they are not being "forced" to read it, just spawned in it. And also, couldn't I argue that SOOO many builders quit because they can't make trade signs, why is that not a feature for builders but global is, in my own opinion, if global was banned for builders and trade signs weren't, I could be filing a suggestion for trade signs to be banned for builders.