Now before everyone spams this thread with potatoes and -1's just hear me out. I know most people are anti-kit (like me) but if kits are staying around i decided to make this suggestion. I know it probably wont happen though. Minecraft Name: TheBuckeye11 Suggestion: Make a SG Kit Called "Butcher" Reason: With the new axe attack damage buff, I think it's fair they get a kit of their own. It will also give people other styles of combat. Any Other Information: So here's the breakdown. Make It Quick's stone sword is Sharpness II, Knockback I that does 6.5 attack damage at a 1.6 attack speed. It makes a fast and decent amount of damage. Complete Control's wooden sword has Sharpness I, Knockback I, Unbreaking I, and Fire Aspect I that does 5 attack damage at 1.6 attack speed plus fire damage. The Butcher Kit would have a stone axe with Sharpness I and Unbreaking I, the axe would have 10 attack damage (more than any other attack kit) but only 0.8 attack speed. It takes x2 the time to recharge for full damage, so that evens out the damage. Well what about the bows? Well to answer that question I suggest something new. No bow for the butcher kit but a Protection I Chain Chestplate. It's something new that may appeal to people to are not as good with a bow but good at 1v1 close combat. I'm also fine with a Leather Chestplate but its not up to me. Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: N/A
...if you recognize that kits are a problem, why make it worse? I simply can't see the logic in that. Anyways, if we're going to do anything to SG, we should be trying to fix it, not the opposite. Nerfing kits a bit more and going for a freemium model is a step in the right direction and will help get more players playing SG. All this will do is destroy the progress made in reducing the effectiveness of SG kits. Needless to say, this is a terrible idea - We should be trying to fix a problem, or at least leave it alone. Not exacerbate it.
Can't say I wasn't expecting it but meh who cares. Gee thanks kuke I can tell you care about people feeling a lot by your post to me. Well about what was expected on to my next less crap idea Mods lock please
It's just sarcasm. Calm down. It's not meant to hurt feelings. If I wanted to hurt your feelings I would've insulted you directly.