Minecraft Name: pokeball92870 Suggestion: A new SG kit called "Fool Me Once" Reason: Taking advantage of the newer additions to Minecraft in SG Any Other Information: Short command: /kit fmo Long command: /kit foolmeonce Kit contents include: Totem of Undying - x1 Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: Custom addition.
Sounds cool, but not sure if we really need more kits. +0 Also, it's not a custom plugin. It would just be adding it to the current plugin for kits (Essentials)
If you are holding it and someone would deal fatal damage to you, you don't die and the totem is consumed.
Actually, I'm not completely sure about that. Jamie once mentioned that players get kicked from SG before they die, so that mechanic might trigger before the totem. (I might be able to run a few tests, but definitely not before my exam in a few days.) Also, IIRC Jamie mentioned that SG is feature frozen and nothing will be added to it for now.
Unfortunately, SG is quite dead. We are freezing the SG project until we release KitPvP. Afterwards, we may look back into SG and revamp the plugin completely. @JamieSinn has plans to take it out of the main server and do something nice and fresh with it. But that is later in the future. Our next server focus will be KitPvP.