Minecraft Name: SonnyCPretzel Suggestion: Other players and I have thought that a new server store type should sell different things then ther actuall server store for materials Reason: It can help take money out of the economy. some people are running dry on keeping up for things on high demand that the server doesnt sell. Any Other Information: What i am suggesting is a store that sells miscellaneous items. Like Bones. Redstone. Ghast tears. and more. Simply what the server store doesnt sell. More examples: Music discs, saddles, potions, netherwarts. and others. Link To This Plugin: There isnt a plugin
We want to encourage a user economy with those items. If everyone can just buy unlimited of something for a set price, that's not much of an economy.
Which is why the server store should not sell easy to obtain items like sand/sandstone, wood, wooden planks, etc so that people actually have to trade or farm to acquire massive amounts of these materials, from other players.... like an economy or something.
However, building materials like that encourages better structures. Having those items available at an unlimited rate allows for creative structures to never be hampered by supply and demand issues. I prefer basic blocks and some nice blocks being available in unlimited quantities in the server store so that people will build with more than cobblestone.
I am all for better buildings and more creativity, don't get me wrong. Its just that materials like smooth stone, wood blocks or planks, etc are so easy to get massive amounts, solo or by purchasing from other users. Right now it might seem daunting but trust me if some builders heard people would pay for wood blocks, they would be a plague of locusts gathering them. Same goes for sand/sandstone. I am for keeping the more rare materials like lapis and gold blocks at the store because I do like decorating and building with them but even with trading other players there scarcity can make it hard to build much with them.