I was just thinking...... We have over 100 warps on ECC when you donate tp. BUT what if we had the quick travel plugin, just open up the map (or whatever else) pick a place to go and woooshh....your there I think this would be a good donation feature and would love to see it Heres a link toma plugin like it ; http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/quicktravel/ Hop you guys like my idea
Hello, I think it's a nice concept, but fear it would cause problems. For one, ECC used to have a live map and its constant updates caused lag. From what I understand this would require a giant constantly updating map of ECC built into ECC. Our map that caused lag wasn't even hosted on ECC, it simply was collecting data from ECC and that caused lag. I recognize the convenience , but fear it would only cause issues. Further, there is the issue of a player being banned from a town. Say this player has that donation feature, my town doesn't have a portal or a warp, and I have barred this player from my town. When I am not online they select my town in their map and TP there, despite being banned. This could cause so many issues by making it possible for any player with that feature to access any town on ECC with or without the owner's permission. Then theres the question of where does that player land? Will ECC/Andrew/Sky have to go program where each location will land? If not, how do we ensure its a safe place to land. If yes, Andrew/Sky need to program it then we are looking at either several days of a very busy Admin/Owner or we are looking at a very long down time. Basically, I think its a nice idea, but I don't think it will do anything that outweighs the problems. Revanrose6
+1 and -1 Great idea, and would be very cool IF implemented. That's where my +1 is. I don't think any map could handle the size and ever changing data of ECC's map. On a 6 Core computer a low quality picture of the map took 8 hours to process and render and I don't feel a plugin could keep up with the updates of ECC. In shot revanrose6 is right. Its a cool Idea, too much lag. That's where my -1 is.
If I read this right, it would be similar to the command "/tppos" which is a moderator command. If andrew wanted something like this on the server, he would just have /tppos in a donation feature.