Minecraft Name: JBuks Suggestion: I think that there should be a Tycoon+ and a EcoLeader+ section of the forums Reason: Well I paid 500k for my rank and EcoLeaders paid 1.5m total, can we at least have a kool kat forum section? Any Other Information: This is not a troll thread, I just said kool kat forum section to convince you Link To This Plugin: N/A
I don't think this is necessary, you paid 1.5 mil, you should get something more like a town or something, not this. -1 PS: 800th post!
Lets see, Current amount of Eco–Leaders was 16, and don't know how many tycoons there are but I'm gonna go with 30. Nobody looks at those sections (resident+ ect.) so why add 2 more when less than 50 can look at it?
I would also make it a combined subforum along the lines of "Tycoons & EcoLeaders+". Maybe they could get a few day heads-up of things like Mining/Nether resets, upcoming additions, etc. Nothing that would break economy, cause drama, or anything of the sort, though.
That would be cool but the one thing with that is, what if they released that info to the public, or told some users and then it flew around the servers users.
That's why I gave examples of non-destructive information. There's few enough Tycons and EcoLeaders that it may be respected enough to keep secret (well, in theory). Could be a simple rule, too; maybe warnings if it's noticed to be spilled or spread around. Generally, though, I only see this type of heads-up announcements work when implemented towards the beginning; not later on. :/