Minecraft Name: Netsui Suggestion: Add more customisation options for users with Forum Premium to change more of the colours of the forum and possibly fonts. I not not entirely sure whether of not our current plug-in that allows this customisations that we already have do this or not though. Spoiler Reason: I'd really like the option to change those grey regions to other colours. Any Other Information: Let me make my forum more pink please. Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: Xenforo forum (Plug-in AD Styler?)
Absolutely! We want our money's worth! I'm not paying $30 to only customize the color of 50% of everything I see!
Terrible colours, just saying. But if I were to ever buy forum premium, that'd be something I'd like to change. +1
I would be glad to allow more customization but this is not currently possible with the theme/add-on that we use. Further more we cannot develop this "custom" due to our forums being on a code freeze. More information from this suggestion: https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/trophy-categories.172630/#post-961351