I was thinking when I saw Jetscat doing "Minewars" the other day... and I've thought Of a way to do a Money Sink that works but takes time from Andrewkm OR someone who he gives blocks to - so they can run it. Now With the Minewars Idea they get a room and Don't know whats in it.... Well... Imagine we apply this Idea to Andrewkm. *By this I Mean blocks that aren't obtainable* : Such as Portal Block Or Maybe Eff5 Diamond Axes / PickAxes Etc. If you don't tell them whats In each room you could put a Different Item in each... Mind you -to keep the bidding high 10,000 increments and Bidding Starts at 10,000. HOWEVER to keep this fair... I believe each room should have at-least one unobtainable Item. If there were 3 rooms each with maybe only one Unobtainable Item in them I think People with the hoards of money would pay to get those rooms... than the money they pay for these Unobtainable items can be taken out of the Economy entirely... FOREVER... It doesn't really effect the economy too bad *Being only one person will ever have the Item* and It'll sink ALOT of cash being that its in 10,000 increments. >_> Anyone got any Refinements for the Idea?
List of things I 'believe' are unobtainable. Bedrock Portal Block Water Block Fire Block Efficiency 5 Axe (With or Without varients such as Fortune / Unbreaking) Efficiency 5 Pickaxe (With or Without varients such as Fortune / Unbreaking) Looting 3 / Sharpness 5 / Fire Aspect 2 / Knockback 2 - Diamond Sword Music Disc "11" Piston Sticky Piston Monster Spawner *Each Type* Villager Egg <--- I Know I'd love this. *Eggs of Creatures* EnderDragon Egg EnderDragon HealingCrystal Imagine being able to own one of these items on ECC? ...
I think that's an entity... Still, other than that, if the server even needs a huge moneysink, this isn't a bad idea. Then again, I just woke up and don't know anything... However, Andrew spending his time doing this is unlikely... Why not just have the GameAdmin who created the game host it instead? He has experience/time/trust from Andrew, I don't see why not.
I'd also prefer to the event not to be closed by Andrew for he could run it; i'm very fond of running the event, and want to continue to do so. With an EcoLeader & GameAdmin running the event, I think we'll be moving money around quite a bit, like we've done in the past. As d0rc said as well; he's extremely busy, and it would be impossible for him to run to run this. Of course, maybe one day when he isn't busy I can convince him to build a few lockers.
"but takes time from Andrewkm OR someone who he gives blocks to - so they can run it." ^ I Did kinda say this lol.... I don't care who runs it but I think It'd be a viable money sink for ECC.