IGN: JoJo965 Suggestion: i remember, like a long time ago when mobs could be spawned in the main world by a player (without breeding animals) - i was suggesting we bring that back. i think we have not enough ways to get money. this would be a great way to earn a little money and it would only be in mining world. we really cant find many animals in mining world. i personally think this is an amazing idea. not because i want money, because i think it would be a good/fun experience in mining world. i was really just hoping it could be farm animals only. not mobs. thats a bad idea. Summary reason: To have another great way to earn money in mining world and To experience how fun mining world mixed with the other server features can be. thanx: JoJo965
*cough new donor feature. There's a plugin that allows players to spawn mobs, and a cap can be put on how often the command can be used. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/spawnmob/
I do not mean to be too critical, but this is a trap waiting to happen: A, "Selling mob placements in the mining world!! $350!" B, "/tell A I need two sheep, come to x: 1 y: 2 z:3" A, "Ok!" A, "Almost there!" B *Pulls out sword* A, "You killed me! This is like the 5th time this has happend today *sadface*" This could be easily made into a trap for pvpers to collect loot off of innocent players. Final answer: No. (Good thought though... I do miss mobs too.)
He is talking about main world. Not mining. I think this idea is.. okay. Highly unlikely as you can breed animals in the mining world and in the aether (safer). I also think mobs are 100% disabled in the main world. I don't think this plugin would over-ride that configuration. If it did, it would end up despawning sooner or later.