Warning: Relusto did not want to search through 255 (Now 256) topics to see if this suggestion was made. Relusto is just throwing out ideas in hopes that one of his ideas are actually good and implemented into the game. As such, I accept all negative feedback except for the insulting titles such as Imbecile, Son of a Creeper, Idiotic, and more that fit the examples, but are too inappropriate for me to say on a public forum where 34% of our users who view the forums are children. Since Mob spawning is only in towns that have mob spawners, It's would be grand if we were able to make applications to place mob spawners in our town for an extra amount of money like $25000 for a Skeleton spawner to be placed. People could this application in the Applications (Mayors+) -Town Features/President- Section. This would allow extra features for Mayors and Presidents to continue making in their towns as they progress with getting stuff that would attract players to buy plot in their town or make additional money instead of farming, mining, pvp, lottery, renting off farm plots, doing other jobs for players, selling stuff, and Spec Feature jobs. This suggestion would improve the growth for other players to join Player X town in order to use it or get a discount, whichever the mayor/president/emperor decides for the town. End of Relusto's Suggestion, Discuss.
I actually think this is a good idea. We could actually have a spawner of choice for a specific item you need, like bones, skeleton, string or spider eyes, spider or cave spider for an extra challenge. This is a great idea Relusto
Im saying i dont like this idea, because i do, im just thinking it might people who worked hard searching for them to lock up in a town rather angry that anyone can now just spawn them in. However im all for it if andrew doesnt think it will cause to much lag
I would love it if say you found or know of a mob spawner in the wild you can ask for it to be moved to your town at like a lesser price of lets say 15,000 Eco Dollars but if you cant,what Relusto said 25,000 Eco dollars.
100k sounds reasonable, would keep players from having a lot of spawners or Andrew can make it Maximum of 1 spawner application to make sure it doesn't go crazy where everyone has one.
Well what if co-owners need a different spawner? Like a different mob? I think we should be able to place them somewhere and then for like 50k change the mob type that you need if limited to 1 app. Also should be limited to change the mob every month so then you get some time with the same mob that you wanted and not go so nuts on wanting to change it.
As probably, having a maximum down to one to three would keep players not lagging the server and with it possible cost maybe $50,000 so everyone who has a town can't get it easily and have to work hard and save. The mob spawners work for three things for a player, 1.) A source of profit. 2.) A goal to reach 3.) Attraction for other players to join.
I think this is a really nice idea.You do not mention,however, the max amount of spawners a person can have in their town which leads me to think you are able to have as many as you want. People on the server with excessive amounts of cash would be able to put mob spawners everywhere. So here are my additions to it. -Make the spawners $30,000. -Allow only 5 spawners per town. -Each spawner must be a certain amount of blocks apart so you can't just spam one room with five spawners and make an automatic water system guiding the monsters down to an area you can kill them. -You need to fill an application for each spawner. -Spawners must not be located to high in the air. (This will cause easy ways of allowing the monsters to fall and be an easy kill, which is currently not allowed in the server). I hope this idea goes through because I can easily see this becoming a huge thing in the server. I'm glad you thought of it.
just throwing this out here but why not try 100k for some random spanwer and 200k for a change i think that will get added faster then your idea just saying