Item:Coal,Lapis,Gold,Iron,redstone Data Value:I'm not sure what that is Current Price:Coal=$1 Lapis=$4 Gold=$10 Iron=$7.50 Redstone=$2.50 Suggested Price:Coal=$3 Lapis=$5 Gold $20 Iron=$10 Redstone= $3 Brief Description:I think they should be raised just a bit due to the fact that some of the ores are hard to find and i think mining should get you just a little more money then it does right now Open Discussion:
Nononono. That is way to high. Coal can stay as it is, lapis, err maybe, gold would be better at 12 or 15. Redstone could be 3 or maybe 2.50. Iron could be 8. 10 would make anybody with two stacks richer by 1280. That's more than voting. My two cents
Actually, with the new addition of mining exp, I don't think mining needs that much of an increase, redstone to $3.00 and lapis to $4.50 would be plenty
I totally agree with Kuke, but I also think that gold needs to be increased. Gold is pretty rare, and now because of the new golden apples, gold should be worth more money. Around 15$.
Redstone, in my opinion it is too easy to find still. It should stay at the same price. I say that all of those should stay at the same price except for gold. Definitely in my opinion gold needs to be 12 to 15. Mainly because gold is rare. Not at the rare level of emeralds and diamonds, but rare. Although gold can't really be effective for armor and tools, it is still useful things like making gold blocks and decorating stuff with them. I say that gold be raised at about 3 to 5 dollars.
Actually, just raising redstone to 3.00 will be more than enough to make mining a good way of making money.
With exp now though, a price increase means MORE money for mining as 30 levels of exp can easily make 3-4k. For 30 minutes of mining I make about 1-2k (I use stone, then upgrade to iron) plus 20 levels of exp. Doing the math, That's about 3k ever hour PLUS 2 full level enchants, which can be worth 2-4k or if you get and EFF 4 Fortune 3 Unbreaking 3 can easily be worth 10k IF sold correctly. Only thing that needs an increase in my opinion is Gold now actually. In 30 minutes of Strip mining I have found about 2-4 gold. It always seems that Gold is rare and comes in small veins. I suggest the prices to be: Coal: $1 Iron: $7-$7.50 Gold: $12-$15 Lapis: $5 Diamonds: Market stays at about $90 Emerald: Market stays between $400-$600 With the pumpkin nerf, I have heard that max with an Eff 4 is about 8k an hour. Mining while riskier makes more. Wheat is currently the best thing to farm in my opinion as it can be auto-harvested. Even if it is not auto-harvested, like sugarcane, no tool is required. This is a quote I found from somewhere: Just my thoughts!
Coal shouldn't be $3 cause I find at least 5 stacks per trip. You get those higher prices if you sell it to other players so stop selling it to the server hold out till you find a buyer.
I can make around 2k an hour from sellable materials (note that I ignore iron/gold/coal) Then I have around 30 levels of exp which I can sell for 3k and then the emeralds (around 6k an hour right now) and diamonds which is around 2-3k I would make around 3k an hour if I were to mine iron/gold/coal too, then 3k from the levels, 6k from the emeralds and 2k from the diamonds, that's 14k, from just mining in an extreme hills biome, I am fairly lucky when I am mining so let's say an average person makes around 12k an hour, only thing that needs a little increase is redstone, it's fairly common and it would raise my earnings by around 1-2k. so 13-16k an hour, which is more than enough.