Minecraft Name: Eremtheminer Suggestion: Add in the /marry command Reason: On many other servers, there is this, and many people would like it implemented in ECC Other Information: Will be cool Link to this plugin/Is this a custom addition?: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/marryme/
Um, sorry, but no. It may be some neat little thing, but ECC is not a dating site. And it has nothing beneficial to add, just adds more hassle, and overall has no purpose. So, please no marry whatevers.
As much as I agree, Phy and Jakey met on ECC, which is why I prefer to call our server ECCHarmony in topics such as this. Regardless, -1. This is an economy server. Not a roleplaying server.
Regardless though, this has very little to do with "minecraft dating". If you were to read the bukkit description, you'll know this is a pvp plug-in and coupling with other players is simply an aesthetic. Besides, we already have players getting wed in-game fairly frequently so why not?
No idea isn't worth suggesting unless it's really detrimental, no need to be guilty for posting a suggestion.
-1 I realize this is for pvp, but this seems utterly stupid. I can't see anyone doing this, and think of the lag. The honest truth is no one will marry anyone if this gets put on, or they will simply abuse it. Sorry, but No. (Also for reasons above)