Minecraft Name: knears2000 Suggestion: To make a map of where all of the spawnshops are. Reason: Well, it would make finding a spawnshop much easier and quicker. I get lost fairly quickly trying to find a shop so making a map would make finding the shop I want to get to much more efficient. Any Other Information: Nope Link To This Plugin: N/A
-If you're talking about a wool wall, no. If it's a kit with a pre-drawn numbered map, then yes. -Or we can re-number the stations instead of having a confusing labyrinth. Sometimes I find that the station that I need is on the other side of the map. The numbering makes no sense +1
I mean on the forums we could have a drawing or picture of some sort that depicts where the spawnshops are.
Hmm, well maybe there could be like a wall in the spawn shops, right near the portal with all of the numbers on it? (Not sure if this is what the creator meant by a "Wool wall")