Thread Title: Combine LWC permission with Region permission Minecraft Name: sick24 Suggestion: That along with /rg addmember or /rg removemember you can give the owners of the region the ability to take away LWC's from people who are no longer apart of the town Reason: I think that it would help the mayors to be able to reuse the plots faster and also cut down the amount of time that super-mods spend on doing on all of the LWC removals Other Information: Nope Link to this plugin: No plugin
I like doing LWC Removals. In all honesty... you can ask Hidendra and Sk89q to somewhat "collaborate" on this, but I don't think it will go through.
Learning now that they are 2 different plugins, maybe not combine them but still give the owners a way to control the lwc's. Maybe like /rg addlwc and /rg removelwc or something like that. And Ryan its great that you enjoy it, I probably would too, but it would just help streamline town operations you know what I mean
Well yes you are right lee that many people would abuse it, but them being mayors I would think they would have some compassion for their residents or make it available so there could be complaints posted for their town if they abuse it.