Minecraft Name: Icondigi Suggestion: lotto time showing on screen /lot draw time (or something like that) Reason: because you always have to type /lot to see how long till draw would be easier if the time would be in corner of your screen Any Other Information: when I snipe lotto I do /lot a lot to see how much time is left this is annoying and would be so much easier if the time would just appear on your screen Link To This Plugin: N/a
+1!!! I think this is a good idea, and will decrease fail snipes. (in some cases might be a bad thing)
A plugin can do no such thing, we don't have control over what you see on your screen, we can't magically add things to your GUI, it would require mods.
I see where you are coming from but there is another way. If you have ever seen the plugin "Buycraft" and when you do /buy it continuously prints it on your screen until you do /ec. For the lotto plugin, you could make it use just 1 line but continually print it on the screen (updating every second). If no one understands me, pm me and i'll give you a demonstration. Oh yeah, +1 :3
You cannot change what's on your screen if it's from Minecraft without editing the source code, since minecraft is copyrighted I believe that that is illegal :/ (correct me if i'm wrong)
It's not illegal, it would simply be a mod, like optifine, modloader and many other mods. I simply won't do it, I extremely dislike modding minecraft.