Minecraft Name:jwpwns Suggestion:Get rid of the 15 Min lottos Reason:Because there is no real lotterys any more there is not enough time to build up money ppl just snipe every 4 seconds i think it should go back to 1-2hours.
I had an idea like real lotterys there is a set amount and no matter how much tickets are bought thats is how much money the winner gets. There would be one every week, called super thousands and the pot is anywhere between 1k -100k depending on the # of tickets purchased last lotto. Tickets in this lotto cost 5k. Then there is the same thing but once every month called Mega Thousands which is anywhere between 101K to 1,000,000. Tickets in this lotto cost 10k. Just a thought. Then our lottery we have now stays the same except it is called a raffle. just a thought
I was just thinking this the other day, These lottos are now kind of lame... The most tickets that ever get in anymore is when server lags! I want to see some more 1 mil snipes... That would be much much more interesting.
It kinda stinks every 15 mins because there is no real big lotterys all the money is snipe money from 1 person witch makes the lottery suck.
As has been said a million times, if you don't like the lotto, don't play it. I'm sure TONS of people agree with me. Those who snipe the lotto always get taken out. I have had 200k plus 5 times and lost it to the lottery. Every 15 minutes = faster lotto = people losing more money. That might have made no sense, but I can't form arguments that well lol.
guys the lottery isnt for fun its just to take money out of the economy and it takes more money off the econnomy then the 1hr ir the 2hr lotto just like monkey said dont like then dont play it