[Suggestion] Lottery for Builders

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by quefueve, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. quefueve

    quefueve Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Minecraft Name: quefueve


    Limit number of tickets a builder can buy (I think 1 per lottery could be ideal)


    Create a [cheaper] lottery in which only builders may participate, either replacing main lottery or being an additional one in this rank.


    Hide lottery and disable buying tickets for builders.

    Reason: Well, I have some reasons to suggest this. Every single day that has passed on the server, there are many builders that are desperate to win money in a quick, fast and easy way. When these builders see the big amounts of money that are won in lottery they decide to try their luck and buy as many tickets as they can afford, and since this rarely is a good amount, most of the times there is someone who buys more tickets than everyone else, and usually ends up winning.

    The problem with this is that builders get frustrated and because they lost all of their money, they either decide to leave the server, or often spam with rage, insults and other inaproppiate messages including their "thoughts" of the lottery being rigged, that presidents are the only ones who win, etc; facts which are not true, but because there's always somebody saying this, it might cause other people (especially newcomers) to believe this is true, which can cause them to think this is an absolutely unfair server that only favors "the highest class" and make them leave forever.

    By limiting their amount of tickets that can be bought, they wouldn't most times spend all their balance earned through recent big jobs at the server and would eventually help them save up for higher ranks.

    A builder only cheaper lottery isn't my favorite idea, but it could help builders earn some money without risking all their balance (at least at only 1 lottery game), while having the same proportional fun wealthy players have at the main lottery.

    Not allowing them to buy tickets would be good because they wouldn't risk a single dollar, would help them save up, and the fact of making the main lottery a resident+ privilege would make them want to save up even more and work harder to be able to do it. And most of these people on the time they take to get resident they would probably have realized that buying few tickets won't get you even close to winning most times, and that even if you got a lot of tickets the tide could turn against you. (This would need the lottery to be displayed for them though)

    Any Other Information: In my opinion, I'd say ticket limitation would be the best choice, but bringing some options in case it could help see the situation from other points of view. I'm sorry if this has been suggested before.

    Link To This Plugin: N/A
  2. DFat

    DFat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    May 31, 2012
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    I see your point. Lottery is bad for the players who play it because only 90% of the money is put back into the economy. However, it is an important aspect in preventing rapid inflation. The key lies to whose money goes into the lottery.

    Restricting lottery from Builders will just give them the urge to play Lottery when they become Resident. Playing the Lottery will be seen as a "perk" for Residents+. This will increase the amount of new Residents who want to play the lottery.

    For example, if you don't let a child eat Big Macs until 18, what will the child do on the day he turns 18? Yes, he will decrease the world food supply. The same thing applies here.

    If this is applied, chances are, the first thing a Resident will do is buy Lottery tickets. Sure, Residents have a lower chance of quitting than Builders, but they are more valuable to the server than Builders. I would rather have a Builder quit the server because of the Lottery than have a Resident quit the server because of the Lottery. I'm sure there are some great Builders out there, but Residents are the people who have truly shown dedication to our server and therefore should not be tempted to invest in the Lottery.

    So how to we prevent Builders from playing too much in the lottery?
    Simply tell them the statistics. Chances are, they will lose.

    Summary: It's better to inform the Builders than to tempt the Residents.
    #2 DFat, Oct 18, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2012
  3. myminecrafter01

    myminecrafter01 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jun 25, 2012
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    LOL DFat I like how to relate to big macs. :)

    The percentage of builders that player the lotto is quite small compared to the number of builders. Those builders who go in the lotto are just greedy and probably already know the risks.

    As DFat said I think it would be better to tell the builders 'You're going to lose', even if they might win because they often ask "Should I play the lotto?".

    With the current lotto plug-in I think you can only have one lotto one the server and you may only be able to limit tickets per player server wide. Buying tickets for certain groups could easily be disabled.
  4. quefueve

    quefueve Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Very good point of view, I failed to analyze it in those aspects more deeply.

    Now that I see it, probably not most people when they have reached Residen would have already realized that lottery is bad for them, but anyway just like you said, then Builders must be informed in some way.

    You know, when most people join the server they don't know how much a person needs to have to be considered "rich" and often think that $1000 is quite a big amount , so they think that not many people would dare buy more than 1 (unless they got some experience and know about it from other server) and risk their very valuable money.

    So yeah, just like you said it's better to inform the builders than to temp the Residents, but there should be a way to do such, everywhere it's seen as the easiest way to earn money fast... which isn't true at all for a 1 ticketing builder 99.9% of the times.

    P.S: DFat for pres!
    #4 quefueve, Oct 18, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2012
  5. Jetscat

    Jetscat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Oct 8, 2011
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    I've seen over Twenty+ Lottery threads, and suggestions over my time on EcoCityCraft. And even more regarding Builders, and their own lottery. The lottery wont ever change, unless a big point comes up on why it should be changed. Simply stating that the builders get mad when they lose the lottery isn't a good reason for it to change. Lottery is completely optional, in fact, No one including builders are obligated to play the Lottery. No, scratch that, they're not suggested to play the lottery at all. It's just a Money dump to help Move money around the Economy. Now don't get me wrong, I see what you mean by users wanting to quit after a Lottery. Us as Moderators, clearly state that you may lose, and chances are, you will be out ticketed by someone of higher rank. Also that the lottery is at their own risk, and it wont change just because you lost money. andrewkm uses the lottery to circulate Money in and Out of the Economy, it's one of the best tools to do so, on EcoCityCraft. You may be in shock, but Builders are one of the ranks that help most with Economy Movements, this is why we have one Lottery, and not a bunch.

    Many builders play the lottery because they know lots of Big snipers will put maybe, 200 tickets in, and they may just get lucky, and get Resident! This is why it would be a problem to add a new lottery; just for builders, many prefer the Big Lotteries, but then there are some who dislike the big lotteries. But the thing is, we often here about those who lost, not those who won. It wouldn't be fair to remove the option to allow those builders who love big lotteries, to now be able to play anymore, for those who have the choice to not play, can go and play in Smaller lotteries, for the fact that the number of builders who prefer big lotteries, outweigh those who dislike big lotteries. As I said, we don't often hear about those who like big lotteries, just those who don't. Limiting their amount of tickets to be bought would be a terrible addition. They can limit their amount of tickets to be bought by simply not buying them. If they can't control that, that doesn't mean there should be a restriction, for just that one person, hence some builders love to throw in tickets. For example, xxemuxx, and previous Builder 1000 ticket+ lottery player, if we were to indeed limit their amount of tickets, this user would of left the Server, unlike those who simply have an option to not put in that amount of tickets.

    When a builder, in fact, any rank asks in chat, we clearly state the risks of the lottery, and that isn't an efficient way to make money. My final opinion is that lottery Will/Should stay the same unless a serious reason is brought to hand. There wont be a new lottery for just builders because they have the option to either play in the current one, or don't play in it, this is completely optional, and not suggested, which we clearly state upon someone asking in chat.
  6. DFat

    DFat Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    May 31, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    I agree with Jetscat.

    But I disagree with one aspect:
    The average amount of money spent on each Lottery is about 50K. So that makes about 150K/hour from the Lottery. Since 90% of Lottery money is taken out of the Economy, that averages at around 15K/hour taken out from the economy. One person can make more money in one hour than the Lottery takes away in the same amount of time. The Lottery is more of a "fun" thing than a practical thing.