Minecraft Name: JBuks Suggestion: I think that threads that haven't posted on/used in over 1 year should be auto locked if there's some sort of XenForo plugin for it, or if not, maybe the staff should go and lock all of those threads on for example the last few pages of general. Reason: Well lately there have been a lot of necro'ing of threads in general. Any Other Information: Not really Link To This Plugin: This doesn't really need a plugin, but there probably is something like this.
Er... Threads don't really need to be locked as long as no one necro's them...but really, there are circumstances where old threads actually need to be dug up for good reason. Necro-ers can get punished, I'd almost prefer another way of breaking rules, if only to get rid of rule breakers. I just don't think it needs to be changed, locking old threads gives me a sense of a lack of freedom as well...
Pfft no. If we do add this, it should only be for a year, year and half. Besides, locking every single thread older then 2 months now would cause extreme lag on the forums, but even a year+ would cause extreme lag.
This would only happen if it could be automated. There is no way Staff would be able to go through hundreds of threads and lock them.
Plus doing that would flood global with a ton of old threads that are locked, pushing every new thread out of the way