Minecraft Name: Jason1964 Suggestion: That the question "Link to this plugin:" be changed to look like "Link to this plugin(must be open source):" Reason: Currently Andrew only accepts Plugins that are open source (rarely makes exceptions). By letting people know it must be open source, it would keep people from posting suggestions about plug-ins that aren't open source. Any Other Information: Open source means Andrew and his Dev's can edit the plug-in to fit ECC and it means they can fix bugs themselves. Correct me if I'm wrong but the only place open source plugins are listed is on github. Link To This Plugin: Forums.
I see no downsides to this, +1, although I would edit it so it says 'Link to plugin (Must be open source on Github)
If github is indeed the ONLY place to find open source, I would have made it that way in the suggestion, but I was unsure. SCORE!
GitHub is the most popular, but there are others. You will most likely find their repository on GitHub.
Yeah, which is why it would be better just to change it to telling them it's open source instead of just github.
Bump, I still see suggestions that post plug-in links that aren't open source, this would be very helpful if added.
I mean, how long will this take to do, 5 seconds? And it will also limit the amount of people wanting non-open source suggestions.
Literally, all Andrew has to do is 1. Click Edit. 2. Hit (with fingers) 21 keyboard spaces. 3. Click finish editing. 4.??? 5. Profit.
Well, it's not so obvious and as far as I can tell this suggestion in based upon an assumption. It would be silly to restrict plugin suggestions to only open source ones, a lot of the great bukkit plugins are open source but there is also many great closed source plugins. As long as the developer/s of the plugin maintain the plugin there should be no need for ecc to modify it. If there is official word from the administration team that the server only accepts only open source plugins then this suggestion would make sense, but otherwise it's silly to assume that to be the case.
I have heard Andrew say he only accepts open source. I'd track down a quote from him but I'm leaving on vacation. Perhaps I can get back to you in a day or two. But the reason he doesn't accept closed source suggestions is because he needs to tweak them for ECC, and bug reports to the developer of the plug-in make take a long time to get fixed, while if it is open source Khobbits can start on it right away.
It's common sense to be honest, Andrew need to have access to edit the plugin at anytime... Sent from my HTC One
Andrew explicitly said he only accepts open source plugins on many occasions, this is because he can freely edit the open source plugins, or even continue it, in case the developer decides to quit. This isn't possible with closed source because copyright. Not to mention the possibility of malicious plugins in closed source.