Minecraft Name: crossfire26 Suggestion: Adding a /kit vote Reason: Instead of searching around to see how long you have until you can vote again, just do /kit vote! Every time you vote, you can do /kit vote (24 hr cool down). That way, you can get an aproximate time until you can vote again. Any Other Information: The kit would give anything (if it has to, just make is a snow block or something). Link To This Plugin: N/A
Snow blocks are way to awesome! It has to be a stick : p I love this idea, at e moment I just Use a stopwatch, I think this would be a great idea + 1
Actually not a half bad idea. However, I would make it something slightly worth it.. like lets say... a waffle (aka trapdoor)
Just copied from viewtopic.php?f=14&t=28487 ? Good idea but there is no need to post 2 topics of the same suggestion. :roll:
I can see what you mean, but here is the difference. The other suggestion requires an entire new plugin for the /vote command, while for this, Andrew can just add another /kit to the list.
Please note that I have no intentions of making a necro-post. I merely think this needs to be implemented into the game. This would help me remember to vote everyday. Therefore, I +1 this idea. You could type /kit vote, and it would give you something as simple as a stick. It would save time without having to click the link, try to vote, and only to find out you cannot. There would be no harm into adding this kit into the game. I see your point. But, not everyone can do /kit enderchest.
I forgot about this one. Thanks for bringing it back up . With bigger prizes, people are definatly more inclined to vote! Another reason for this to be implimented!
Agreed, i had a post about this and kuke said that he would work on it, but a day later he resigned so i'm sure he forgot
Just make it so everytime you vote you get /kit vote and instead of making the items go into your inventory with vote might as well put it in kit vote so it will give it to you through a kit [So that the item that you get won't just disappear if you have a full inventory, instead it will drop on the floor like what normal kits do when you have a full inventory]
Nowhere do I suggest a "Voting Ad." :| I mearly suggested that we have a /kit to remind us. Mod please lock this thread, as the matter has been taken care of, and I do not want people flaming this.