Minecraft Name: crossfire26 Suggestion: Adding a stack of netherrack to /kit pyro or make a seperate kit for Pyro+ users Reason: Fire can not be used effectivly without netherrack, and netherrack is cheap. Adding it to the kit would be very convinient. *Also, the durability of flint and steel is 65, so it would be just about perfect. Any Other Information: Nope Link To This Plugin: Already have it
Good idea. Netherrack is so cheap and easy to obtain, I don't see any issues that would arise from this.
I think this idea has been tossed around a few times and I still do not see what is wrong with it. I'm all for it!
Nah, I would really enjoy having that last use so I can repair it after I'm done instead of repairing it when I have one netherrack left.