Minecraft Name: MinecraftExotic. Suggestion: A /kit colorbook, in which is a book that lists all the colors and their respective colors. Reason: Just earlier today, I saw zedoker say "I don't know the colors!", and so I thought, "Hmm, maybe a book or something with all of the colors and their letters would be helpful!". Then, I made a forum account, and made this suggestion. Other Information: This would be helpful for all color users! Link to this plugin: N/A
These are basically the colors, as shown on the extcreations links. http://i.imgur.com/Qnl56.png http://ess.khhq.net/mc/
Instead of spawning books via /kit colorbook, I would actually suggest we make it a help command ie: /help shouts or /help colors
I edited my original post but basically this is not England and "most" people who play on this server are from the Americas (Canada, USA etc.) Color is spelled Color lol, Colour is how it is spelled in like England but most other places do not spell it that way.
O U, OU, OU , OU, OU. I'm from neither of those places and I spell most things with OU, deal with it. Anyway, this suggestions is unnecessary, just use one of the external resources people posted here.
lol kuke you don't count btw these are the words just as a statement of difference between the American and British Spelling, we would have to do this for all of them, though this is still irrelevant color, flavor, harbor, honor, humor, labor, neighbor, rumor, colour, flavour, harbour, honour, humour, labour, neighbour, rumour. I personally like honour and flavour other than that the American way is better, also because the British spelling of the words have French influence and thus makes me not like them more. Also yeah just use the links I posted earlier for colors though if you are trying to make specific colors for items like wool and clay I think /recipe works for that.
This suggestion has turned into a color/colour war. revanrose6 I agree , yours is much more practical.
I agree, a physical book would take up lots of space (if spawned in a lot) a command would be great, which im pretty sure kuke can easily do.