ECC needs change! With that change we can buy top Teir enchantments on diamond tools. Since the coming of 1.3.1 and 850 exp making the highest level enchantments , the entire market of enchanted items has been destroyed. Failure enchants are flooding the markets and are worth close to nothing. What's worse is a builder can join the server and in one day earn enough money to buy too Teir weapons, armor and tools. Full protection 4 armor and sharp 4 swords seems to be the outfit of choice for everyone because it is so easy to get. But how can this be fixed? Simple. Make exp harder to get. Let's say a zombie drops 5 exp. make them drop 1. Let's say a redstone ore drops 1 exp. make 1/5 drop 1 exp. This will once again make enchanted items valuable whip I think they should be. Thank you, jon2456 and many members of ventrilo
No just No sorry this has finally made mining worth anything. (Still not near as good as farming, but good enough I can convince myself I’m not wasting time.) I can get good picks and have plenty of exp for the first time ever. It almost makes up for killing the poor helpless pumpkins.
He reason we can get exp out of ores is to get enchanted tools. I have made several iron swords and exp makes me 8.5 for 5 orbs. I like the drop rates and if you want people to not have enchanted tools, good for you, please go stand in a corner.
I fail to see how this is in any way a bailout, and also if we even have a plugin that does this - andrew has stated he will not add more plugins.
Your idea is stupid. You talk about it as if the entire economy is about to have an ecenomical collapse. The introduction of enchanting was a complete fail pre 1.3. This gives new players a chance at pvp, mining and farming. Enchanted armor is still going to cost 8k+ not exactly on a builders budget. Enchanting is now so much better. It a change for the better, the ecomany will adapot. so adapt or die(or stand in a corner).
This just affects the user economy to be more like pre1.3, this doesn't fix anything and neither does it make anything better. this is useless.