Minecraft Name: Weatherfreak1 Suggestion: Making WeWinAgain a special rank other than EcoLeader Reason: Since he has bee with us for a long time, might as well give him a rank where he can be well known and special Any Other Information: I thought it could be like a gift for him since he is retired. Link To This Plugin: N/A
Quite honestly, I don't agree, he's not staff anymore. I know he contributed a lot to this sever, but I still believe he is still just a normal player.
Ya, I think it would be for the best to keep him as an equal lol, not try and shove ranks down his throat, he is after all just another awesome member of ECC
He was the second highest rank on the server for a long time, i think that's a special rank/gift enough imo
Kinda ruins the point, he isn't staff anymore. I don't see jetscat getting special ranks. The best we can do is give him a sign or wall at spawn. Other then that, he is just a normal player that's been a staff member.
Wewinagain quit, so he's a normal player now. The fact that he's been a serveradmin is great, he really helped, but we aren't going to make an extra rank just for wewin.
He was great and all but I don't think he should get a special rank. His special rank was the ability to be the server admin.
If I can be entirely honest, I don't think WeWinAgain would even want this. To be honest, it would fall on deaf ears considering he doesn't get on ECC. It'd be a rank that we never will see. He is a great guy and was a fantastic staff member. I think our memories of him are what honor him. He knows this, but, hes moving on with his life. I honestly don't think he would want nor care for a rank all his own.
As Revan said, it would be a rank no one would see - Wewin said himself in a public Ventrilo channel (before the TS3 switch) that he already deleted Minecraft and won't be getting back on. As well, he rarely posts and would not be seen. Even though he helped the server a lot and was great, the rank would not do or change much. There are plenty of tributes in-game and various threads for him.