Minecraft Name: RyanJF1 Suggestion: Add a new forum board titled "Introduce Yourself" Reason: I think this would be a neat little feature to have so that we can all get to know each other better. Any Other Information: I mean, why not? I wouldn't hurt to make some more friends. Let other people know what you would like to do and some cool things about you. Make friends with ALL the members! Link To This Plugin: XenForo forums :3 You like this idea? Click "agree" to show your support.
Most forums found on the web have these, but a lot of game server don't feel the need for them because most of the player base shows up in-game long before they ever join the forums. This was true with myself for example, I played here for about a month before I ever came to the forums. Not saying it's a bad idea though
Man, last time I saw this suggestion, I made it in 2011. xD I support the idea, simply 'cause it would be fun..and I see people starting to make intro/hello threads in general, which may become "spammy" later. Section would need some basic "rules" though. One thread per person, do not necro... Mainly the one thread thing.
I also support the idea, many don't visit the forums because they don't have a proper way too introduce them selves. +1
I was actually very surprised when I first came here that there wasn't an introduction subforum that most communities have, or at least a sticky thread...it feels nice to introduce yourself. +1