Minecraft Name: m33crob Suggestion: Increase the price of XP at the server store. Reason: Spawn Market prices are too low. Any Other Information: I'd like to request that the price of XP be increased to $6-$8 EcoDollars or some other higher value in the server store. Currently XP is selling for about ~$2.40 per orb ($2000/30 levels) in the player market which is not sustainable or worth it in the long run. I feel that the server price of $4 per orb is more on par with what XP should cost. Unfortunately, players will always sell for less than the server price and therefore, this market can only be corrected by increasing the server price. Any player could easily make more money, more efficiently, by farming. I feel that selling XP which requires leaving ones' town and interacting with others is in the best interest of ECC instead of running towards a FarmCityCraft labeled as EcoCityCraft. Alternatively... The server store could lower its prices and kill of the market entirely.
There is nothing that can be done about the floor price of EXP since it cannot be sold to the server. Although, EXP does have a ceiling which is regulated by the Server's EXP store. The only thing that could be done about the price of EXP would be to create a server sell price, which I am sure will not be done as it will not promoted EXP being traded due to the small margins. Finally, raising the server sell prices on EXP won't affect the price in the slightest, that only aspect that will change is giving people less of an incentive to buy from the server.
EXP is like diamonds, the price is set by the users. It changes based on how much users want to pay and by how much users want to sell it for.
I think andrew or WeWin should set up a [Sell] Sign at the Enchantment Tables at spawn. Where you can sell exp for say $5 or $6 per orb, but that is just my thoughts ;P
I like that idea, but honestly, that may be too much money. Unless I'm mistaken, the server store and prices are generally set really high to encourage players to buy/trade items with other users or in the user maintained spawn shop area. The point that I'm trying to make is that the server price for XP is not high and that it should be the going price for player-to-player interactions. The only way to do that is to increase the cost of XP in the server enchantment store. As mentioned previously, players will always sell under the server price. If the server price is $6 per orb, players will likely charge $4 per orb.
Raising the price that the server sells EXP for won't necessarily raise the price players sell EXP. Personally I think that EXP should be left how it is where players can set the price that it sells for.
Let the market do it's thing. Eventually the prices will be too low for people to be interested in farming exp and then the price will go up again. The entire ability to sell to the server is already crippling the economy. It doesn't make sense to have 10000 melon farms as there wouldn't be enough demand. Although we also need the ability to sell to the server as that is basically the moneypress of the server.
This. I make 12-15K/hour off AFK Experience farming. If the Experience prices rise, I'll just sell mine for cheaper and it will fall again. If they drop, I'll still be making decent money. So if anything, the Experience prices are too high.
Since you're a moderator, this makes it look as though the server and admins put all other players at an extreme disadvantage. That's a really nice image to paint I guess. And with this type of thing going on; what's the reason cactus is disabled again? /endrant-closethread
You can't fully AFK Exp farm because you have to kill the mob in order to get the Exp. What you can do is AFK for a while, wait for a bunch of mobs to spawn, then quickly kill a large number of mobs at once.