Minecraft Name: Skullman774 Suggestion: Increasing the amount of pork you get per vote (not necessarily putting it up to 16 again, but at least increasing it to 10 or so) Reason: A lot of people used to vote only for pork, but have now stopped voting, this can ruin some of the server's reputation. If we re-increase the amount of grilled pork we get per vote, than a lot more people would vote. Any Other Information: This is not because I want more pork , It's just for the good of the server, we need as many votes as we can get, I, for one, vote only to support this server, but some people don't, i'm sorry to say that. Link To This Plugin: N/A
Or just raise it a bit. It was lowered because no one needed to vote because they got enough food from a few votes. I say raise it to 8-10 pork per vote.
The reason it was lowered was because the only reason people voted was for pork. With 80 pork per day, they could go without voting for a few days. Now, with only 20 pork per day, they would have to vote everyday in order to have a good amount of pork. Also, people now can sell pork for more. I like it the way it is. I still vote, even though I have a double chest full of pork.
I disagree with this completely. The server's pork per vote is perfectly fine the way it is. If it were to be raised then, like before, anyone selling food products at a shop would go out of business.
In my opinion, pork is fine as it is. Four pork allows for you to gain all your Food Bars, which means, you're getting full Food Bars, Five times. Which isn't bad at all. Yes, it may not be a lot if you just take one vote for Example, but if you take all Five. It's quite a good 'Lunch' I highly doubt the change in amount of Pork has stopped users from Voting. Many users just consider the Pork part a bonus when Voting; Many do it for the; Money, End of the Month Prizes, or overall just supporting the Server. $37,500/Month is a great payout for voting per month. I mean, the only thing that should pay in -My- opinion, is that Pork should be removed, and money only should be handed out, and End-Of-The month prizes. Andrew gives out an approximate amount of $407500 Per month worth of EcoDollars. (This is adding up all of the USD > EcoDollars transfers, and the $37,500) this excludes both Pork per month, and the Vanity item prizes, aka, raffle. $407500 is quite a lot for taking around Sixty seconds to click a bunch of links, and enter in a few verification. Adding pork onto this is just a Bonus, something nice in case you need a quick refill of FoodBar/Health. It's set at a perfect amount. At most I could maybe see the handout be raised to maybe something like Eight or Six per vote. Which would warrant a few FoodBar refills. Also, if the Pork handout does in fact change, it wont change until the end of the month or so, hence it wouldn't be that fair to change it half way through a Voting month. Andrew has said this in the past. Also, looking back at what D0rc said in his suggestion (To Lower pork to 4) he had some good points that I agree with. If pork was to be raised higher, this would Lower the rarity of Food (Lower then it already is). With it at as low as it is now, it encourages players to use the Pork in Economical way, not just pork, food in General. I.E; Bread, Cake, Mob Drops, Melon Slices, ect. As of right now there isn't a big Economy for Pork, which is why it shouldn't be raised more, otherwise there will never be a Economy related to Foods. I think with the Pork at Four is perfect, it Encourages users to sell the Pork, and move it around the Economy, it also encourages users to kill Mobs for food and such, and makes the server ever more HardCore. Which we all want.
I agree with all of you, you have all made good arguments, however i only made this suggestion cause i've seen people who said they don't vote anymore...that's my only reason.