Note: I am not an sg player by any standards, so this is coming from a neutral and non-influenced point of view. It's a simple suggestion, but this solves the issue of builders leaving the server because of people with kits, while at the same time being fair to kit users because they can still play with kits in games with more experienced players and fellow kit users. Pros: -Builders have a better chance to stay on the server because they increase the chance of a no-kit sg due to their rank -Solves the issue of builders continually leaving the server -Solves the issue of "not enough no-kit sg games" Cons: -In groups the chances of a no-kit sg will skyrocket due to the amount of builders -Kit users will have a higher chance of not being able to use their kits -More than likely requires special coding I don't know what the chances of a no-kit sg could be raised by due to the amounts of builders would be, but I would think that it could be raised by a little amount because many builders are in sg games at once. Currently the odds of a no-kit sg are 1 in 8, which is a 12.5% chance of a no kit sg. It's not up to me to decide what the chances of a no-kit sg could go up by, but I think it would be reasonable that, if we are able to code such a thing, every builder raises the chance of a no-kit sg by 2%. So even if the game was all builders, 24 of them, the odds of a no-kit sg would be at a 60.5% chance of a no-kit sg. 24 x 2 = 48% 48% + 12.5% = 60.5% chance of a no-kit sg. This is if an arena is full and all players are builders. I believe this could solve the problem of kit users vs. no kit users, but ultimately it's not up to me to decide. I also believe that 2% is a bit high, and a lower percentage could be a better alternative. P.S. An extension to this suggestion would be increasing the odds of a no-kit sg with all ranks considered (So for example builder could increase odds by 2%, resident by 1.5%, mayor by 1%, etc or something of the sort) Or even a further extension, increasing the chances of a no-kit sg further based on the amount of people without kits?
Dang, this is actually a pretty unique idea, and I love it! This is very well thought through and would help a bit in having builders stick around. +1 Question though: So does that mean if I am in a 3 player game, with 2 builders, then the chance is 50% on top of the 12.5%? Or 62.5% total? Or am I competely wrong (which I likely am )?
As for your question, I should probably clarify right now. If it is you and two builders, the chances normally are 12.5% for a no-kit sg right? Well, according to my suggestion, two builders is an extra 4% chance of a no kit sg. So the chances of a no kit sg would be 16.5%. My suggestion was trying to say that each builder counts as an extra 2% chance of a no kit sg added to the 12.5% already there. So 1 builder in an sg game makes the chances 14.5%, 2 builders 16.5%, 3 builders 18.5%... and so on. I haven't completely done the math on the percentage added on to the 12.5% originally, so for now 2% is just a reference percentage. I feel that something lower than 2% could work fine, as 2% is actually quite a bit added on to the total. To answer your second question, yes. Yes you are completely wrong.
Btw, I have seen dozens of builders themselves with kits, it shouldn't be builders, either lower to 1/4th no kits or people who don't own a kit increase the chance the game will be no kit by 1% maybe at most
-1 for sure! are you kidding me? I kit on builders all my life and then you tell me they get more no kits? NO. i dont give a sh1t about those builders out there. They can quit all they like, I dont care!
You really need to get over your irrational hatred of Builders one day. Without new builders you wouldn't have a server to play on.
Lol so you want your income source to quit? Sounds sustainable. Anyway, on topic. I think this suggestion is very interesting because its thinking outside the box. A 50%+of being no-kit may be a high however, but the general idea may be something to think about.
My income is one use it dies its thrown away(quit). New people come, die and they are thrown away(quit)
Please don't spam/post troll comments. Fair enough disagree with me, but don't break our forum rules in doing so. Forum warning issued.
Hmmm no I don't think this would work very well. There has been a recent trend of builders wanting to buy kitts and people who don't want to level up. I don't want the builder who don't want to be residents to be discriminated against their own kits because of there rank. However a system that might block kits based on a debatable ratio between kitters and non kitters maybe Or aallowing 2 kits per person? Or increase the chance of non kit games a little? ps. For the owner of the thread. Not being an SGer DOES NOT make u an unbiased player. You need to learn about ever aspect of the game political, psychical, and mechanical before u can make a logical opinion. Actually in my opinion there is no unbiased opinion. There is only opinions that are biased to laws, morals, ethics, and public opinion or people who are ignorant to the subject (which is still biased because they are going off their Morals and what another person has told them) Just food for thought. .. think about it