Thread Title: A new channel for suggestions Minecraft Name: FiFyFoFumOtter Suggestion: This suggestion is for a new channel in which users may pitch a suggestion to other users, and come together and all fix/change their suggestions before coming on and making it. Reason: I feel that if we make this process that users can take and add onto suggestions, thus giving better suggestions straight to EcoCityCraft. Other Information: Could the color be a variation of blue? Link to this plugin: N/a
I like this. I think it would be a great way to talk about current and possible suggestions and to edit them. the downside is we already have quite a few channels in chat.
Im talking like another Global or Trade. Something thats known. You cant make your town global or trade, now can you?
-1, this chat would also have to be monitored by mods and that means 1 less mod in global/trade/auc/local and also if it shows up in everyone's chat then you would have more spam already being added to the fast paced chat.
Mods watch everything. Just because you got a different channel doesn't mean no spamming/swearing/stuff that goes in other channels. Anyway, on to my main post: While I like the idea of tossing idea's around, global seems easy enough to do it in. We already barely have enough colors for some channels, and it seems like such a narrow range of people would use the channel. I'd like it, but it doesn't fit.
Eh... Hmm, where to start. 1st of all, we have enough channels and I really don't think we should add another. If you want to discuss a suggestion then use /ch g. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from doing that, but, I feel the forum is where this kind of thing honestly belongs. Everytime I try to discuss a suggestion with someone in game, I never feel I am able to get across my full opinion. When it is on the forum I am able to sit down and think "Okay, what do I really think about this suggestion." I am then able to think thoroughly about how I was to say my thoughts and about the pros and cons. When you discuss something in game, players get impatient from lack of replies. I think the forum suggestion thread is perfect for the function it servers. Revanrose6