In the past few days, some people with the high cash balances have been playing, in my view, the lottery unfairly, by buying in excess of 50 tickets. In my opinion, I find this unfair and quite harsh considering a large majority of people cannot afford this exorbitant about of money, like myself. So I wish there was a new lottery system, one where the ticket limit is something like 20 perhaps. And the winners don't win just because they are rich and have bought 50+ tickets. Who else has noticed this? I hear a lot of people. -Alex
just because he doesnt, doesnt mean he couldnt. also, the lotto is designed to take money out of the economy. the more people that buy tickets the more this works, and limiting tickets would limit the amount taken out of the economy, thus defeating the purpose.
The lottery wont change. Play if you want to, it's completely optional, there wont be any change soon, if you have a REALLY good argument, then say so, but saying it's unfair wont change the fact of it. This thread will be locked; but i'm going to leave it open hence I believe everything should be open in the Suggestions section incase a good argument arises.