Minecraft Name: Matrix_rep Suggestion: change /ignore so not only can the other person whom which you have ignored pm you, but you cannot pm them. Reason: Many times moderators tell people to use the /ignore command, and half the time one party member listens. However harassment can still continue if the user who has ignored someone decides to pm that user who was ignored. This will leave the user who has been ignored irritated that they cannot respond to this user and will do one of two things. a) ignore the user back b) bring it up into global or harass the other user via /mail Any Other Information: This would hopefully lead to less harassment Link To This Plugin/Is this a custom addition?: idk
Yeah why not. I have never been in a fight where this has happened and I have only ever ignored one person (because they are a complete M**********R, anyhow). But if it does lead to less harassment on our lovely server, why not
-1 If you are ignoring someone, you probably won't be pm'ing them. And if they really wanted to message someone they were ignoring, then adding this would just have people unignore then reignore. to send the message anyway. It is their "job" to ignore you as well. This suggestion doesn't make sense to me, so I apologize if I misunderstood it. FYI: When mods are telling you to ignore someone, it isn't a command, it is a suggestion/way to stop the back and forth. If you can't see what they are saying, it can't bother you. Therefore you get to move on with your life. Again, it may be my ignorance, but I honestly don't understand how this suggestion is supposed to work/help anything. Sorry.