Thread Title: Horse Breeding Allowed Minecraft Name: Westenj Suggestion: Horse Breeding should be allowed Reason: Horse breeding should be allowed to help players earn some cash an help them rank up but also make the prices of horses go down since the occurence would be higher for horses Other Information: Horses are good transportation good for show and fun to watch for races etc. Link to this plugin: Pretty sure no plugin needed for this
Vanilla breeding of horses would be disastrous for the server and economy, which is why it was disabled. HOWEVER, it may be a good idea to automatically kill one of the parents upon breeding. That way, the number of horses doesn't go up, and we still get faster, healthier, and higher-jumping horses. Perhaps have it kill the first one that was put into "love mode." OR, something I like better but is a bit hardcore, is kill both parents. That means horse breeding becomes a serious decision, and the descendants become more and more valuable. 4th generation horses become worth much more than just-spawned horses. [Don't worry about proving which horse is how old for now]
it wouldnt mess up the economy animals can breed in real life isnt this supposed to be close to real life Lee1104 then what was the reason? NAVYSEALS2000 i agree maybe 1 horse could be killed after "love mode" pokeboy24 but this should still be allowed itz unfair horses cant breed and im here to fight this as it should be allowed
Currently, horses can only be obtained by buying from others who were lucky when voting. If they could just breed 500 horses, they would be worth a lot less.
Horses are suppose to be rare. If they were breedable, people would stop voting. Even if horse breeding was limited (kill off parent(s), increased breed time, etc) there would still be enough for them to lose their rarity. As well, including people voting less, there would be lag on the server. Mobs were disabled for a reason - having horses invincible is already very generous.
well then what we could do is make like a "lucky" "unlucky" version of breeding have a chance of keep all parents and baby (extreme lucky) 1 parent and child (lucky) keeping only kid alive (sorta lucky) everything dies at birth (unlucky) and a message pops up saying extreme lucky, lucky, sorta lucky, unlucky, then make there be like that so theres a less populated horse population theres a risk at breeding and you never know what will happen will you be rich or dirt poor i think this would be fantastic MoofinK Lee1104 washingtonc pokeboy24 NAVYSEALS2000 andrewkm
Westenj, I do not think Andrew needs tagged for this. He will see in his own time. :b As for what you are proposing, that would likely have to be a custom plugin, which would cost money to make.
i also feel that voteing is rigged, i have voted for months and i never get lucky or better, some people get super like 5 times in a day or 2 horse a week
hmmmm well maybe to be cheap someone just shouts you were unlucky or lucky whatever idk lol well ill let andrew decide what should happen after all i dont know much about plugins so idk ill levae it to pros MoofinK
yes that is true i have never gotten anything from voting so maybe all my horses would die from breeding maybe it should be randomized hmmmmmmmm washingtonc
Hello, There is several problems to the concept of breeding horses. First of all this suggestion was already made: And rejected by andrewkm: Further I did math for the last breeding horse thread: I personally do not think this would help anything. Horses would be everywhere and they would lag the server. Andrewkm would likely have to butcher horses on a daily basis unless there was a severe system in place to cull the horse #. For example: Make horses killable and then breed them. Then, like with spawners, encourage players to kill the horses. Just saying. We cannot have invincibility and breeding. They together cause serious problems. Revanrose6
ok revanrose6 i see your point, but if there was like the "lucky" "unlucky" system i stated earlier well then what we could do is make like a "lucky" "unlucky" version of breeding have a chance of keep all parents and baby (extreme lucky) 1 parent and child (lucky) keeping only kid alive (sorta lucky) everything dies at birth (unlucky) and a message pops up saying extreme lucky, lucky, sorta lucky, unlucky, then make there be like that so theres a less populated horse population theres a risk at breeding and you never know what will happen will you be rich or dirt poor i think this would be fantastic what if there was a building or something command etc. where you could butcher the horse to server for say some money or prizes people would want to give up horses so even if andrew or most other people said no they could possibly rethink it and see ways to get rid of the 711 entities in under 2 hours plus who has room for that many horses anyway no one could keep breeding that many horses without running out of space so i would like everyone to rethink in a way where we could "butcher" these say 711 entities down to 5 or so and the player earns prizes and if we could use something to make breeding possible once every 24 hours like voting so it would already cut down lag and enitie count down to almost 0 very quick. thanks for consideration -westenj
Westen, I would like to point out the 711 entities was based on the concept that a single person starting with 2 horses started breeding them. If you'd like I can do some more math because I know of several people who have more than 1 horse.
yes revanrose6 Westenj, but the lucky, and stuff like that seem rigged, i think that would also need to be fixed first like i said earlier
ok revan revanrose6 lets say 30 people a day want to breed they all have lets say 3 horses so they breed and get 4 horses each person so thats like 120 already then 6 horses for each 120 pretty sure eventually there will be very many horses your right on that but again if there is a lucky unlucky etc. system and a butcher system that number would very quickly drop many people have been hit by the dropping of crop prices and now its even harder for some to earn so say it people are able to breed once a day the butcher any horse if they get one they could earn say maybe 800 a day it would be a very complex but very neccesary and unique system it will help others earn by gettng eggs from voting and selling them to earn if anything i think horse breeding could make horses less populated then they are now because people will maybe use all horses to the butcher system i explained earlier that plus the lucky system and the once a day breeding system this could easily keep down the horse population and lagg and washingtonc i see what you mean the lotto system seems very rigged but there are many things/websites/programs that could completey randomize this better then now easily washingtonc
yes and im pretty sure all the butcher things we could find a plugin for and all thr lucky and 1 a day breeding im pretty sure there is a pugin for all of them some where revanrose6