Minecraft Name: MrBubblez98 Suggestion: /hide lot Reason: Any Other Information: The lottery spam is very annoying, and I think almost everyone on the server thinks so too... Link To This Plugin: N/A (I think )
This won't happen because lottery is supposed to be seen(see this), and this spamming doesn't happen with the 15 minute lotteries anymore. Next time if you want to get your point across with a picture make sure it's a recent picture, not an old one. (videowiz as a president is old)
And if you are leaving /lot, you may as well leave everything, hence the chat settings and leave chat in all
@ kuke, I know it does fail, @12345shane the only thing I like to see in chat usually is just local chat and PMs, no Votes, Lottery, Reminders (donors dont get em), auction, trade, or global...