Minecraft Name eekelmo Suggestion: Instead of just locking threads due to flame wars occuring, why not just delete the 'flamer' posts and thread ban the flamers? This would be much better so threads can continue to receive replies instead of being locked because someone decided they wanted to argue. Although, if it's a thread that just has too many people flaming instead of 3 or 4 I believe it should be locked. Jason1964
Well, it really can depend on the thread. If the thread is really prone to flame wars in general, it's better to just stop them from occurring in the first place than to ban everyone who gets involved.
Point Taken - I've edited the post so that mods either thread ban or lock the thread depending on the situation.
For example (I am not naming anyone or pointing fingers. This is simply the easiest example I could find.) take a look at this thread. http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/ecc-modminer1999-decided-to-change-please-read.68503/ If you read down through it, the mod involved locked the thread when even a hint of flame might have started. While I agree the thread was slightly on the "flame producing" side, it could have easily continued except that two flamers shut it down immediately, even after a mod warning. If this suggestion was in place, those posts could have been deleted, players thread banned, and things could have gone on normally.
Alright, so my opinion time lol. Flame threads are an annoyance and a problem. This is how I think they should be handled. [Thread Starts and most players are actively on topic. Suddenly enter a flamer] So, step 1) A staff member verbally tells the player to stay on topic and not flame (plus deletes the original flame post) Step 2) Assuming the player ignores this, the staff member issues a forum warning, deletes flame post. Step 3) Still ignoring the staff member, the staff member then thread bans that player. In the event a thread is completely a flame thread, the thread should, in my opinion, be deleted entirely and a forum warning issued.
Does Xenforo even have provisions for a thread ban I cant remember seeing the options when messing with it.
Hm cool I might go back and have a look for that I dont remember seeing it but I wont have been looking for it.
Like this? Am I hax right, or do I missing some commands? Spoiler: HAAAAAAX If I shouldn't do stuff like this for some reason, just tell me and I'll remove it.