I'm not going to use the format as it is a very basic and simple idea. It would be nice if the Nether and Aether forums would be private. It would give a little bonus for buying the ranks as personally they don't bring in as much as they are worth. This is just an idea, I may expand so add or hate.
Long time ago, I think I mentioned this... Especially for the Aether rank(s), which have almost nothing going for them (even more so now that you cannot breed animals). Aether + Nether need more perks.
Take dead forums and add a filter to who can post Doesn't seem needed imo, they already almost have no traffic, and if I want to ask you "is it worth it to buy aether/nether" then I have a place to do it.
To be honest, the aether forum is mostly used for non aether players to ask what the aether is. So, in that respect I would say it kind of needs to stick around. A lot of players use it to ask if its worth buying etc. As for nether, it is also pretty inactive. If more players used this to discuss the actual places, I would agree, but to be fair the aether and nether aren't used much in game let alone on the forum. Revanrose6