Username: crossfire26 Suggestion: Remove the ability to rate posts in the Ban Appeal/Complaints forum section. Reason: I have seen numerous people rate peoples complaints and appeals as "funny" just to poke fun at them and make their complaint/appeal seem like a joke. I don't think that I can be the only person who sees that as just plain disrespect to the user. I am not sure that it is possible to remove the rating system in just the one section or not, but if possible, I think that the section would be a bit more friendly.
Believe it or not I had this exact idea the other day. I've seen a bit of an increase in rating posts in that section. As with all you said, if this is possible, I would prefer it be removed. There is a lot of people that "gang" up without actually posting. There is no reason for posts to be rated there, as everything is decided by the staff and ect, not by the players. I also find it most offensive and sometimes hurtful for someones ban appeal/complaint to be rated "Funny".
I agree with you, although no one has done this to me, it's not uncommon for this to happen and I can see it as being offensive. This would also take about two minutes to implement considering Andrew just needs to edit one node permission for the complaint/ban appeal section. +1
No, just the people post complaints. If the people posting took it seriously then the people reading the complaints might.
Not exactly, I see a lot of "teaming" where one person will go through and like/agree all the posts from the defending person. It just needs to be gotten rid of altogether.
Users have been banned in the past for participating in a 'Funny' rating trolling, Andrew banned them. Having this would make Complaints/Ban-Appeals a lot more professional.
I got one more then you did... Lol? Maybe I just put it into more understanding terms for someone else. You didn't say exactly word for word what I said.
Bump. People are still constantly being offended by what people rate their complaints and appeals. There is absolutely no reason that people should rate them, especially if they don't even have anything to do with them. If the feature cannot be removed from just that section, than I suggest rewriting some rules to include rating of complaints and ban appeals.
I have already included my opinion, but since there has yet to be some rule changes or removal of the feature I will comment again, as I still support this.
There goes _TANSTAAFL trying to make his point by rating this thread "funny." Mission accomplished, I'm pissed off now.
Getting pissed off at little things won't strengthen your point. In my opinion, I don't think we should adjust anything, people should simply ignore the ratings. Let people be trolls, it's free ratings for you.