Minecraft Name: DJNuKe Suggestion: I would suggest a new forum category that would be added right after Staff Request called Forum Requests (or it could even be IN staff requests) that would allow mayors and presidents to post Applications about moderating their own town/nation forums, something like this : Name: Link to forum: (direct link to town/nation section so moderators wouldnt have to search for it) List the topics you want affected by this: What you want to do with them: ([DELETE],[STICKY], etc) Reason: Because my town's forum is a mess.. This would give the mayors/presidents the ability to control their town/nation's forum without having access to the Control Panel on the forums. This could be very efficiently moderated, since moderators, supermods and andrew could process applications! This way, as an example, in my town's forums I could [STICKY] the Nation rules and citizen list, etc, so they would always be on top!
viewtopic.php?f=57&t=102 There is a lock/delete app in there, sadly sticky is not available yet (not even to staffmembers)